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Communications for our John C Daniels community.

October's Activity/Fitness Calendars!

October Activity Calendars! 


Here is the October fitness calendar. Print them off and return to Mrs. O'Shea on November 1st! If you need a paper copy, see Mrs. O'Shea! Make sure you sign off each night/day you do with your child. ActivityCalendar-October-2018-Elementary-SPANISH.pdf     ActivityCalendar-October-2018-Elementary-English.pdf



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Shoe Tying Lesson!

How to Tie Sneakers? 

Sneaker tying is a right of passage! Being in 2nd grade, it is time for your child to become independant at tying his/her own shoes! I will be rewarding students in GRADE 2 with shoe tag tokens if/when they can tie their sneakers! There are SO many different ways to teach your child, remember offer them an option that works for them & their skill level. YouTube is a great place to look for quick videos! Here is one that I made using the "extra" lace hole on sneakers!



I am looking forward to awarding token for LOTS of SNEAKERS!


Mrs. O'Shea 

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Preview--Monthly Fitness Calendars!

Parents, Students, and Families, 

Mrs. O'Shea will begin posting fitness calendars that students can complete at home to earn a fitness token for completing 50%, 75%, and 100% of the day! Calendars will be posted here, on ClassDojo, and students will Google Classroom will have access there.  In addition, I will have hardcopies in the classroom! 


Use the calendars below as a preview and see how many days you can complete as a FAMILY by the end of the month! (Student can bring in completed calendars for September. Parents inital the days your child completes and return to school at the end of the month!) ActivityCalendar-September-2018-Ten-at-a-Time-Engl.pdf     ActivityCalendar-September-2018-Ten-at-a-Time-SPAN.pdf



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Mrs. O'Shea's PE Classes--- Access to Google Classroom is Ready

Students who have Physical Education with Mrs. O'Shea, you can head to where the Google Classrooms have been updated.  

I have also attached a PDF where you can find the codes to join your classroom.  Currently, only students in Grades 4-8 have classes set up.  Grade 3 students we will eventually have a classroom set up. Sorry for the confusion, hopefully we are all set.

If you have issues please email me via darcy.o' or parents can access me through the remind app by following this link.


Have a Great Labor Day Weekend! 


Mrs. O'Shea 

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