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JCD Administrators

Principal: Mrs. Tina Mitchell         

Assistant Principal: Ms. Yesenia Perez

coppola photog tinamitchellOur John C. Daniels School of International Communication is a diverse and dynamic community in which differences, including linguistic and cultural, are honored and celebrated, not just intellectually, but also through shared experiences.  Dual Language instruction, in both Spanish and English, provides the foundation for learning and fosters a greater experience of the world.  A global perspective is further enhanced by our magnet themes of International Communication, whereas students explore their own histories as well as the experiences of other cultures, learning, in the process, how to make our planet a better place for all.  We work tirelessly to provide a comprehensive educational curriculum, enhanced by a strong emphasis on the arts and on physical and emotional wellness to facilitate the development of confident, life-long, biliterate students.

We invite you to visit us to learn more.

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 Assistant Principal, Yesenia Perez