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Latest News @ JCD

Communications for our John C Daniels community.

Kindergarten Arrival REMINDER

Kindergarten Arrival Procedures       

  • Doors open at 8:20 a.m. daily
  • Beginning on Thursday, Sept. 5th ALL Kinder- 8th grade walkers and drop-offs will enter the building through the cafeteria doors on Ward Street. Additional staff will be present to monitor and escort K-4 students to their classrooms.
  • For security reasons, parents are not allowed to enter the cafeteria and walk with their child(ren) to the classrooms.
  • WARD street arrival door will close promptly at 8:40 a.m.
  • Students arriving after 8:40 a.m. must use the main entrance door on Congress Avenue and report to the main office for a late pass.

Procedimientos de la llegada

  • La llegada comienza diario a las 8:20 a.m.
  • Empezando el jueves 5 de septiembre, todos estudiantes de Kínder-8 que caminan o vienen en carro entraran en la calle Ward por la puerta de la cafetería. Ningún padre puede entrar por las puertas de la cafetería en la calle Ward.
  • Para mantener la seguridad, los padres de los estudiantes de Kínder - 8 no pueden andar a su hijo/hija al salón de clase. Tenemos suficientes maestros para ayudar los estudiantes de K-4 llegar al salón de clase.
  • Los estudiantes que llegan después de 8:40 a.m. se consideran tarde. Los padres/encargados necesitan entrar por la entrada principal en la avenida Congress y deben reportarse a la oficina con su hijo/hija para recibir un pase.
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Important dismissal notice


Your child has new teachers that do not know what previous dismissal arrangements have been. It is extremely important that parents make sure the teacher knows how the child is getting home each day. If there is a change in dismissal it must be done so in writing. No child's dismissal plan will be altered without written notice. If a child is assigned a bus, they will be placed on the bus unless school staff is informed otherwise, in writing. Please be sure to send in a note so we can ensure your child is safely and correctly dismissed from school.

We thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work together to create a secure environment for our students.

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Arrival Procedure

Parents, please be aware of the following. We thank you for helping us maintain and safe and secure environment for our students.

Arrival Procedures 2019-2020

  • Doors open at 8:20 a.m.
  • K- 8thgrade: All walkers and drop-offs will enter the building through the cafeteria doors on Ward Street.
    • Staff will be present to monitor and escort K-4 students to their classrooms.                                   
    • 5th-8thgrade students will remain in the cafeteria for breakfast.
  • For security reasons, parents are not allowed to walk with their children to the classrooms.
  • Ward Street arrival door will be locked promptly at 8:40 a.m.
  • Students arriving after 8:40 a.m. must use the main entrance door on Congress Avenue and report to the main office for a late pass.

Procedimientos de la llegada 2019-2020

  • La llegada comienza a las 8:20 a.m. 
  • Los estudiantes de los grados K-8 que caminan o vienen en carro entran en la calle Ward por la puerta de la cafetería.
  • Ningún padre puede entrar por las puertas de la cafetería en la calle WARD. 
  • Para mantener la seguridad, los padres de los estudiantes de los grados K-8 no pueden andar a su hijo/hija al salón de clase. 
  • Tenemos suficientes maestros para ayudar los estudiantes de K-4 llegar al salón de clase.  
  • Los estudiantes que llegan después de 8:40 a.m. se consideran tarde. Los padres/encargados necesitan entrar por la entrada principal en la avenida Congress y deben reportarse a la oficina principal con su hijo/hija para recibir un pase. 


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Message from JCD Administration

We are very excited to welcome Mrs. Tina Mitchell and Ms. Yesenia Perez to John C. Daniels. Mrs. Mitchell will serve as our interim principal and Ms. Perez is our newly appointed assistant princpal.

Please click to read a welcome message from Mrs. Mitchell.

Admin Welcome Letter 19-20-page-001         Admin Welcome Letter 19-20-page-002

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