Don't forget that the 1st grade holiday performace is on Friday, December 15th at 9:30. Students can wear read or green shirts.
Latest News @ JCD
Ziti Dinner
The ziti dinner is Tuesday, December 12th. Each grade is asking for donations to fill a themed basket for the raffle. The theme for 1st grade is Tools for school. If you would like to donate, please send in the item(s) by Friday December 8th.
Book Fair
The book fair is open. If you would like your child to buy a book, send in money no later than Friday, December 8th. Put the money in an envelope with your child’s name on it and label book fair money.
Holiday Assembly
The Holiday Around The World Assembly is on Friday, December 15th. First grade is performing at 9:30.
PE T-shirts were given out a couple of weeks ago. If your child received T-shirts in error, please let us know because there are two missing.
Thank you!
First Grade Team
Hello Parents! Today we will be finishing Chapter 5: Shapes and Patterns. This chapter we have worked on:
- identifying plane/2D shapes- name, number of corners and number of sides.
- identifying solid/3D shapes- name, number of corners, number of sides.
- making pictures and models with shapes.
- seeing shapes all around us.
- making patterns with shapes.
Our Chapter 5 test will be given on Friday, December 1.
Room 157- Spanish Room 158- English
We will skip Chapter 6 (per the district pacing guide): Ordinal Numbers and Position. We will cover these skills during our daily math meeting. We will begin Chapter 7: Numbers to 7 on Monday.
Picture retake is Tuesday, November 28th.
Students should wear their uniforms unless you are sending
back the original picture for a retake.