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Communications for our John C Daniels community.

Keep Moving Through Winter Break

Keeping Fit Through February Break 

Winter break is here! Keep your keeps busy, happy, and entertained with some of these fitness based activities! When you are done, complete the writing prompt to bring back to Mrs. O'Shea! Have a fun and fitness filled February break!


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Come say hi to your Phys Ed teachers!

Come Say to Your JCD Phys Ed. Teachers

Phys Ed. Teachers, Mrs. O'Shea & Mr. C will be downstairs at the gym during Parent-Teacher Conferences, Wednesday 1/30 from 1:30-5:30! 


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Pickleball is BACK at JCD! 

This week, Mrs. O'Shea's Grades 3-8 and Mr. C's 6-8 Phys Ed classes started their pickleball unit!

Pickleball is a racquet sport, played with a paddle and wiffle style ball. 

Students learned this week about the history of pickleball and some basic skills.

Students have been challenged to think deeply, investigate, and report back to Mrs. O'Shea to answer 2 burning questions! 

1) What breed of dog was Pickles?

2) Why does the pickleball paddle have holes in it? 

The 1st class to tell Mrs. O'Shea the ANSWERS to BOTH questions will earn extra time in the gym! 

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs. O'Shea 


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Jumping Our Way to Fitness!

Jump Rope

Mrs. O'Shea and Mr. C's Phys Ed classes recently completed jump rope units. Mrs. O'Shea's students worked on creating personal best records! One student jump 216 times in a row! 

Jump rope is a fantastic way to exercise and all our students really enjoy learning all the tricky jumps Mr. C has to offer! 
Take a look at our Personal Best Jump rope Record Board created this year! 


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