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Chapter 9 Update
Hello Parents!
We have already finished Chapter 9: Length! This chapter covered the following concepts:
- measuring length using the vocabulary: long/longest and short/shortest
- measuring height using the vocabulary: tall/tallest and short/shortest
- we compared objects of different lengths and heights to each other to find which was the longest/shortest, etc.
- we learned to use a start line when comparing objects of different lengths and heights
- we measured objects using cubes, paper clips, pennies, etc. to see how tall or long they were
Our chapter test will be given TOMORROW!!!
Room 157: English Room 158: Spanish
Don't forget...this afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00 are conferences! Mrs. Canalori and I will be meeting with parents by literacy groups. We have scheduled appointments...if you did not set up an appoinment please call the school to see when we are available today!
Have a great night!