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Math Test
Hello Parents!!!
We built the most amazing traps on Friday and set them up around the room. Unfortunately, that Lucky the Leprechaun is so TRICKY, he jumped in our traps and found a way out!!!! We couldn't believe it. He was kind enought to leave us all a good luck coin. Thank you for sending in materials and helping us think of creative ways to try to trap him. We are determined that we will catch him next year!
Our chapter 12 math test will be tomorrow! Room 157: English Room 158: Spanish.
This chapter focused on numbers to 40. We learned how to:
- break a two digit number into tens and ones
- find out how many more/less using a number line or hundred chart
- ordering numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest
- finding patterns in a number sequence
- identifying number words (20-40)
Have a great night!