Latest News @ JCD
Prepping for Physical Fitness Testing, Grades 4, 6, & 8
Beginning to Prepare for Spring Fitness Testing!
Students in grades 4, 6, & 8 are beginning to prepare for the mandated Physical Fitness Testing in the Spring Testing window. Testing will begin during the month of April.
Students are tested on 4 areas of fitness:
Cardio Respiratory Endurance: How much stamina/endurance do they have to run for an extended period of time
Upper Body Strength & Endurance: How long can they preform proper pushups
Abdominal Strength & Endurance: How much stamina do they have to complete curl-ups (abdominal style sit-up)
Flexbility: How flexible is the student's lower body (hamstrings/lower back)
As we begin to prepare for these tests, your child can also practice them at home! Please follow the link to the State of Connecticut's website. This website will show you and your child videos of the test being performed correctly, plus you can download the cadence for each of the tests that require audio prompts.
Physical Fitness Test Manual (All Grades 4, 6, 8)
We are looking forward to a great testing season! If you have questions please contact either Phys Ed Teacher!
Mrs. O'Shea