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Reading is THINKING Parent Night: Part II October 25, 2018 (Grades 3-8)

Please join us on Thursday, October 25 from 5:30 to 6:15 for our Reading is THINKING Parent Night: Part II.  The focus of this meeting is: Reading Inventory (R.I.): Student Test Review.  The three components of the review will include:

  1. Lexile Level
  2. From Lexile Level to Reading Level
  3. From Reading Level to Reading Volume

This is an RSVP event.  Student tests will ONLY be printed for those who respond prior to the meeting.  Please RSVP by:

  1. Leaving a commnent
  2. Email: heather.o'
  3. Returning the bottom portion of the parent flyer (to be sent home week of October 15th)

Please feel free to call at x3679

October 12th
Fitness Testing to Begin, Grades 4, 6, & 8!