Latest News @ JCD
Communications for our John C Daniels community.
Week of 9/24/18
First grade math:
We have finished chapter 1- numbers to 10
Chapter 2-Use a number bond (part, part, whole) to add and subtract numbers
Reading: Continue to practice the weekly sight words in both English and Spanish. This will help your child become a better reader and writer. We are working daily on our early reading strategies.
Some First Grade Reminders:
- Breakfast begins at 8:20. If your child is going to eat breakfast in school, please have him/her arrive at 8:20 to ensure there is enough time to eat. Instruction begins promptly at 8:45.
- Your child will be marked tardy if he/she arrives after 8:35.
- Please label all clothing. We have several sweatshirts that are unclaimed.
- All sweatshirts and sweaters must be blue or your child will be asked to remove it. If a student is not wearing a sweatshirt properly, they will be asked to hang it up.
- Mr. C will be placing all PE uniform orders soon. If you would like to place an order, send in the order form and money tomorrow.
The First Grade Team